원어민 강사에게 영어를 영어로 ! - Full Sentence English Ⅱ (고급)


총 학습일:390일 | 학습시간:7시간 | 난이도:고급 | 강사:Amy Aleha | 강의금액:60,000원 | 교재:없음
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    - This may be the last chance to cheer her up. 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - But believe me, it was an accident. 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - I need to start working out to lose weight. 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - I would have called you if I had time. 에 대해 학습합니다.


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    원어민 강사에게 영어를 영어로 ! - Full Sentence English Ⅱ (고급)
    1. This may be the last chance to cheer her up. 10 분
    2. What’s the best way to solve this problem? 10 분
    3. I never imagined that Josh would become a doctor. 10 분
    4. But believe me, it was an accident. 10 분
    5. It will take me awhile to break in these new shoes. 10 분
    6. I didn’t notice you were with us the whole time. 9 분
    7. I’m afraid you’re being a little too picky about food. 10 분
    8. Now that I think about it, I do spend a lot of money on clothes. 11 분
    9. You’d better not make a decision until she comes. 9 분
    10.The bottom line is that you are responsible for your own actions. 10 분
    11.Can you give me directions to the supermarket? 9 분
    12.I need to start working out to lose weight. 10 분
    13.As far as I know, she is one of the nicest people I know. 10 분
    14.Let me know what is on your mind at the moment. 9 분
    15.I’ve gotten interested in recycling with my family. 12 분
    16.Have you ever thought about a career in medicine? 11 분
    17.I'm supposed to be at my friend's house by now. 11 분
    18.We've got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom 12 분
    19.It depends on the circumstances that may follow. 12 분
    20.I would have called you if I had time. 12 분
    21.Would you mind passing me that pen on the table? 11 분
    22.You need to make sure that you are on time for the bus. 12 분
    23.I can't stand the fact that she's leaving tomorrow. 12 분
    24.We may be able to help you in some way. 12 분
    25.Would you be able to keep the noise down please? 12 분
    26.I came across a book I've been looking for a long time. 13 분
    27.I prefer to stay in my bed during the weekend. 12 분
    28.I can't bear seeing people being humiliated. 12 분
    29.You have too much time on your hands. 12 분
    30.I can recommend you a really good store to buy from. 12 분
    31.The hardest thing to learn is not to lose your temper. 12 분
    32.It’s a good thing you reminded me to call the phone company. 12 분
    33.It wouldn’t have occurred to me to do this a different way. 12 분
    34.I certainly didn’t intend to bother you so much. 13 분
    35.I‘ve always tried not to be overwhelmed by size. 13 분
    36.How much do you know about the works of Shakespeare? 11 분
    37.We can always watch this again on the Internet. 11 분
    38.I’m usually so busy in the morning that I just skip breakfast. 12 분
    39.We need to make sure everyone is included tomorrow. 12 분
    40.I’ve got a lot of things to do before I leave for my vacation.12 분


    강사명 Amy Aleha

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